
Friday, 6 July 2012


Well shocking news the last few days but not so much about the actual event but the reasons for it. 
Yes everyone is talking about Katie Holmes divorcing the alien king himself Tom Cruise. Now Ive nothing against them and thought it was sweet the way she had his picture on his wall and then married him. I always kind of hoped to do the same with a certain Will Riker but Jonathan Frakes is happily married as am I so it worked out well. 
I dont particularly like the Scientology ideals especially silence through birth - you can tell that was made up by a man. 
I think Katie made the right decision in getting Suri out before she became as indoctrinated as the older two. She was very smart in taking it to NY and making it public. I dont envy her fight but she is doing it for the safety of her child and that is something I never understood with Nicole Kidman. Nicole never seems to see her adopted kids with Tom and according to sources its because they are so into scientology maybe its because they were adopted (i know it sounds horrible to say but it has to be said as some people think that which is why they would never adopt) not her natural kids? 

Cant wait to see where this goes tho.......

Hef Reunites ........ With User Crystal

Hugh Hefner, Crystal Harris
Well its been a while since I blogged about anything and this I happened to come across and it did actually make me think WHY HEF WHY? 

This woman dumped you before the wedding then publicly slated you and then because she cant make money by herself to keep the lifestyle she has become accustomed she has crawled back to you with her tail between her legs. You should have at least kept her at girlfriend number 3 for a couple of years to show you weren't a push over.Its not like you were lacking in female attention. I think it just goes to show Crystals personality to a T. Holly, Bridget & Kendra all left Hef and they have never badmouthed him the way she was. I personally think that shows how much those three care for him, whereas Crystal said everything to earn a buck.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Instinctive Parenting

On my travels around the World Wide Web I happen to travel across many different sites. This one peaked my interest because its not telling you what to do its telling you what they did and how it worked for them. It is very much under the attachment parenting umbrella but they do not appear to be promoting it. 

So if you need clear information on BabyLed Weaning, Breastfeeding, Cloth Nappies, Baby Signing and Babywearing then give it a go.

Friday, 13 April 2012



Im addicted to these so badly they are so moreish and so easy.

I used 180g cream cheese
2x 125g packets of oreos

I bashed the oreos into fine dust then mixed it with the cream cheese, balled it up and chilled it for half hour 
then I melted chocolate and coated each ball in the chocolate old school with 2 forks and left to set for an hour. 

Not bad for a first go, onto the cake pops lol 

Monday, 9 April 2012

Legalise terminations for Medical Reasons in Ireland

Please take a few moments to sign the petition below to help make Ireland legalise terminations for medical reasons so that already distressed women do not have to travel to the UK to get the help that they need.

"There are many couples in Ireland who have been given fatal diagnosis of their unborn child. We have to travel to the Uk for treatment so this is to start a campaign to legalise these Terminations under very specific circumstances."

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Wales Grand Slam 2012

Congratulations Boys I never lost faith. Also monkey being a 6 Nation baby has now seen his first Grand Slam victory celebration at the age of 2!!

Wales beat France 16 - 9 which was beautiful justice after the World Cup debacle and Allain Rollands sinbinning of Warburton. Proves that when the its 15 men to 15 not 16 to 14 (and the ref isnt biased or an arse) that we are a bloody brilliant team. 

Priestland isnt stepping up though he cant take 25 mins to get into a game. 

Halfpenny is a bloody marvel - you can kick from the welsh half lets try and get you kicking from the welsh posts to the opposition and make you really deadly lol 

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Going to have to hit a Kim K Boycott

Ok I always enjoyed Keeping up with the Kardashians although Kim was never my favourite. I always preferred Bruce, Kris and Khloe. Even now with the New York spin offs I started to really like Kourt, mainly since she had Mason and the way she is bringing him up is really down to earth. 
The latest season of New York has been uncomfortable to watch. I never agreed with the wedding and wasnt shocked by the divorce and now watching the series as the marraige crumbles does nothing to help Kim Ks image. She comes across as selfish as she talks to everyone except Kris about her fears for how she rushed into the marraige, there is no conversation as yet with Kris about it and definitely no mention of therapy or even trying to work it out. I never liked Kris I thought he was an utter arsehole but even he didnt deserve being treated like that. The previews for next week seem to be showing that she signs the papers down to the word of a psychic. Now im not a disbeliever but seriously you make a life changing decision like that on the word of a ghost whisperer. 

She is trying to garner sympathy and I love that they are refilming scenes to make it seem that Kim is going through this horrific marriage but it only shows her for the selfish cold person that she truly is. 

I stopped supporting her when she attacked Kourt with Kris for wanting to breastfeed and co-sleeping but now I just cant bare to read anything about her as she is as false as her marriage.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Congratulations Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck

Congrats on their 3rd child Samuel Garner Affleck born Feb 27th xxx

Now Jen Garner is one of my fave celebs. She comes across as so down to earth and is always seen with her kids dropping them to and from school. They both seem very involved parents which is a bit of a rarity in celebsville. 

Shock Horror Beyonce Breastfeeds ..... in Public

 Gwen Stefani Breastfeeding at the park
 Pierce Brosnans Wife Keeley
 Eva Herzigna
 Julie Bowen - Yes Her off Modern Family - Double Kudos to tandem feeding
 Lucy Lawless - Xena Warrior Princess
 Miranda Kerr

Ive been off for awhile as I got busy but as monkey is getting older Im just about having a little more time these days. In trying to find something to talk about I stumbled across Beyonce breastfeeds her baby which apparently is made worse as she did it in public. Its horrific isnt it? (note the sarcasm)

Im not a Beyonce fan in slightest I dont particularly like her music and find all the videos seem to be monochrome and one piece suited. She also always has those two girls with her zzzzzzzzzzzz  sorry I dropped off thinking about her anyway good on her for breastfeeding and major kudos for having the balls as a celeb to do it in public.

I was browsing UsWeekly online and Im in shock at some of the remarks by people. It goes to show how uneducated some people are that they compare breastfeeding to peeing and pooping. It is total head banging against the wall time because they are so ignorant and the media feeds on it. Hopefully the likes of Beyonce and Miranda Kerr can help encourage mums to use what God (or Nature) gave you to feed your child. 

Im not anti formula as Im the only one of my group of friends who breastfeeds and its my choice just as it is theirs. What I am against is people making it out that breastfeeding is disgusting when it is so obviously not. I feel sorry for the people who commented so disgustingly they need to go back to school and reeducate themselves.