
Wednesday, 29 June 2011


Ok so Kerry Katona was sacked by CAN associates. The people who are paying her bills, mobile phone and keeping a roof over her childrens heads. The reason was that she broke the original deal that they made, that she had to stay sober and clean and out of contact with her ex Mark, she also had to live down south away from bad influences. Photos appeared of her blotto and puking in her bag and days later she was let go.
Now according to Kerry she decided that her career was not going in the direction that she wanted - what up? 
So selfishly she decided to quit the company paying her rent and giving her pocket money. She then cries to the papers that by 5pm sunday she is going to be made homeless with her children with £400 in the bank. Boo bloody hoo. Im sorry I have no sympathy for the woman. I feel dreadfully sorry for her kids for having such a selfish mother and I hope they come out ok. 
CAN took Kerry newly divorced, fresh out of a drug scandal and turned her image around. Im not a huge fan of either but kudos to Claire for sorting her out.
If reports are true that Kerry quit CAN then she is a complete tw*t. Who gives up the person keeping a roof over her childrens heads? Her career wasnt going the way she wanted so what suck it up until your bankruptcy clears and you have some of your own money and then make a decision. There are loads of people who are doing jobs that they dont want to do to keep a house and food on their tables. 
I think that she broke the terms of the agreement and was let go. She forgets that when you search your bag for a ticket you need your hands, whereas the picture shows her hands on the outside of the bag and her head inside. 
Both Peter Manipulative Andre and Amy Who Childish have come out batting for Claire - Oh what a wonderful woman she is, she did everything for Kerry, she was amazing, yadda yadda. The fact that they are CAN puppets are probably the only reason as they must have been given a script as they both wrote the same thing. 
So Kerry - you are an idiot, quit giving stories to the papers, saying you quit them doesnt make you look any better if anything it makes you look worse, so get a grip!!

oh she also admits to being drunk 
As for the drinking in Marbella, I’m not going to sit here and apologise for that in the slightest. I’ve worked my bottom off for the last seventeen months. I’ve played mum and dad to four children and that holiday was the best that I’ve ever ever ever had. I did get drunk and I don’t regret it. If I don’t let my hair down every now and then I’d go insane.

Breastmilk attack on cops

I had to post this story. I read about it in a column by Jane Moore this morning, who couldn't understand how she did it unless it was already expressed or had a pump attached. She obviously has never breastfed a baby as my hubby will atest you can get quite a distance on boob spray. 
Anyhows a woman in Ohio was arrested for assault on cops for spraying breastmilk at them. The story is:

A lactating U.S. woman was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct after she sprayed sheriff's deputies with breast milk as they tried to remove her from a vehicle, police said on Monday.

Ohio-resident Stephanie Robinette, 30, was arrested and charged with domestic violence and assault linked to a domestic dispute, as well as resisting arrest and disorderly conduct, according to the Delaware County Sheriff's Office.
It said Robinette's husband told authorities the pair had been attending a wedding when his wife got drunk and started a dispute. He said that she hit him multiple times before locking herself in her car outside a banquet facility on Saturday.
Sheriff Walter L. Davis III said that when police approached the car to speak to her, she yelled profanities and refused to get out.
"When deputies attempted to remove Robinette from the vehicle she advised the deputies that she was a breastfeeding mother and proceeded to remove her right breast from her dress and began spraying deputies and the vehicle with her breast milk," Davis said.
Robinette was later removed from the car and arrested after more deputies arrived on the scene.
"This is a prime example of how alcohol can make individuals do things they would not normally do," Davis said.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Well Well Well

Well I havent been on here for about a week now due to one thing and another, mainly because Ive not been too well and then with work and the little monkey its just been crazy. At the moment Im a little better, no voice but no immediate pain which is always a good thing. 
I am however a bit peeved off. I got into an argument friday with my hubby as everyone does at some point over the dragon in law. Now because I needed to rant and vent before I went off to work I thought I would get support off a website that I frequent. By the time I got home that night the air was clear but I had had a few responses to my rant. Not wanting to be rude I glanced and was told I had confused people, which when I rant I am aware I do because my mind switches so quickly from topics and I have so much to say and it can sometime seem a bit jumbled. I tried to clarify myself which earned I thought not so nice replies. I wish I could delete it but there is no option so I wrote a reply defending myself, my choice and my husband. The replies I got made it sound as though I was on the verge of divorce through smothering my husband, which I can tell you I am not. 
The argument was mainly because he had been busy all week in work and so hadnt always responded to me yet was able to phone his mother who was blanking us because she wanted to guilt hubby and it worked 6 days of silent treatment and he caved whereas I thought it was hysterical giving us peace and quiet. 
Because I wrote this I got told it was my hubbys subtle way of telling me to give him space and implying I should only text him in work in an emergency. Hubby rings me on mornings he has taken monkey to creche just to say morning as I leave before he gets up and to say how monkey was he then requests I ring him when I pick monkey up - he likes to know how hes been if hes eaten his food and behaved etc - he then rings on his way home from work. Other than the creche thing we have always done this the entire time we have been together. It is what works for us, just like when Im home and he leaves for work I always have a kiss goodbye as does monkey. 
So for all those wannabe therapists out there - sometimes when your husband doesnt answer your text because he is busy - maybe he is just busy not not answering because he wants space from you but is too gutless to say that. 
Also my husband has a lovely - if you can call any pair of testicles lovely as they kind of just hang there hairily - pair. Which he does not keep in his mothers purse. He defends his family just as I do against people who make incorrect judgements on it. I dont comment negatively on your issues and just because they are different to my dragon in law issues does not mean they are more important.

Hopefully I have made my point clearly and not rambled on too much.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Hef left Heartbroken

Well I always said that Crystal Harris was no good for him and that he definitely shouldnt marry her as she didnt care for him in the slightest. The media reports since they called off the wedding have proven that she is a callous b*tch.
Apparently she touted numerous publications to dump Hef at the altar!!! No I hope this is total b*llocks because that is a heartless thing for anyone to do!

A source told the New York Post newspaper:
"Crystal wanted to ditch Hef at the altar. Her plan was to walk up the aisle and say she couldn't go through with it. The wedding was to be filmed for a reality special, and her refusal to marry him would be a sensation.

"She was looking for a tie-in deal of around $500,000 for the exclusive 'I ditched Hef at the altar' interview. While there was interest, Crystal didn't get an offer anywhere near half a million."
As well as touting for money she released her new single monday around the time of the split. During an interview with Ryan Seacrest she mentions that the lifestyle was not for her, Im sorry but you have been living the same lifestyle for two and a half years, I have never lived there but know its never going to be a quiet household there are going to be girls everywhere - its the FRIGGING PLAYBOY MANSION - thats the image anyone with half a braincell would work out what the lifestyle is let alone someone who has been living it for almost 3 years. At least she did it before the wedding rather than after, even 5 days.
The good news is that now there is a chance for Holly to go back to the man she loves and who loves her dearly. Fingers crossed.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

What not to do when single!

A hoax maybe as there is a laugh at 2 mins 20 seconds but apparently this is an advert for eharmony

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Playboy Bunnys - Degrading to Women?

Well its no secret to the people around me that Im a huge fan of Playboy and Hugh Hefner. I have read everything I can just to find out how the empire was built to quell my curiosity. They have recently reopened the Playboy Club in London and it has been hit by a storm of protesters claiming that dressing as rabbits is degrading to women. 
When they originally opened in the 60s they hired women and paid them more than they would have gotten doing the same hours elsewhere. As well as the good pay they were also given the chance to go back to school and retrain as well as hours to suit their childcare. If anything Playboy was one of the main players in the feminism war. Yes they were dressed sexily as bunnies but that was a gimmick uniform that went with the job. Even now you can walk down the road and have men staring at you like a sex object at least in the bunny costume you are protected and getting paid good money. No bunny is allowed to meet with the clients as it is grounds for dismissal and many of the former bunnies went on to become important in their fields of science, medicine and law. 

Hefner has said of the protest: 

"A feminist protest in 2011 to the Playboy Bunnies is lame...Playboy and the Playboy clubs were the end of sexism. Women were being held bondage for hundreds of years, owned first by their fathers and then their husbands, Playboy helped to change all that,"

I think that if you want to throw your name behind something and protest then go against someone who deserves it when the people participating are being forced to like the slave labour that Nestle uses in its cocoa fields and the fact that they are killing babies in the third world by going to Africa and telling the mothers that their milk is bad and they need to use their formula brand of milk as it is better than the breast. Seriously people at least the women in the bunny suit CHOOSE to be in the bunny suits. They know exactly what is expected of them and they are paid well. CHILDREN are KIDNAPPED and FORCED to work in cocoa fields and have their feet cut if they try to escape and they are paid pittence if at all. So rather than give up your kitkat and stop the evil Nestle company you would rather attack Hugh Hefner who has never forced a woman to pose naked, have sex with him or dress like a bunny. 

Monday, 6 June 2011

Cheating Men & Super Injunctions

Now the last few weeks everyone has been buzzing about the premiership footballer who took out a superinjuction against former BB star Imogen Thomas. The papers, media and Imogen herself were unable to name this star even though she was named, this resulted in Imogen being threatened and called the most disgusting names.
I dont agree with what she did but Im sorry she wasnt the married one. Why was it ok for him to go to court so that noone could say oh soandso what a bast*rd and then let Imogen take all the flack.
I dont understand why women prey on famous married men, and im not saying that is what Imogen did as far as I know she could genuinely have loved the guy and believed his bull but why are these men stupid enough to fool around?
Wayne Rooney
Peter Crouch
Jason Manford - ok sexting not sex
Ashley Cole
Tiger Woods
Jessie James
Bill Clinton

Just to name a few. The most recent name to add to that list - Ryan Giggs. He was named by an MP after the Scottish Sunday Herald published a not so anonymous photo of the star as well as Twitter going Giggs crazy. 
Now after treating Imogen as a massive homewrecking whore we discover that he has been sleeping with his sister in law for the past 8 years. Natasha (Sister in Law) is said to be "really hurt" when she found out that Giggs had cheated on her with Imogen. They also had sex through his wifes pregnancies and a day after she gave birth as what better way to celebrate the birth of your child than to sleep with its auntie? 
Natasha after cheating on her partner for 7 years then decides to marry him but continues to cheat on him. I think that she is worse than Imogen, as Imogen was a stranger whereas Natasha was family. 
The biggest homewrecking whore award goes to Ryan Giggs. He was married when he cheated on his wife, she was pregnant twice during that time as well. He was also continually sleeping with his "sometimes" pregnant brothers girlfriend who was mother to his niece/nephew.
He is the main one to blame in all of this. Who cares how good he kicks a ball it still doesnt give him the right to cheat on his wife! No Wayne Rooney, No Peter Crouch!!!!!!! 

The people I feel sorry are the ones who are going to have to pick up the pieces - His wife, kids, brother and his kids, his parents - it has destroyed a 3 generation family because he couldnt keep his willie in his trousers!!