
Friday, 18 March 2011

Well Lets Pop My Cherry

Well Ive heard a lot about blogs and blogging as well as following the King of Celeb blog so I thought well I seem to have an opinion moreso since I had my baby, especially with all the bumpf in the media these days with weaning, discipline, breastfeeding and cosleeping. Then you turn the TV off, close the paper and you have members of your family in your ear about everything, your choice of bf, then your choice of husband, your wedding, where you choose to live, your decorating, how you raise your kids, what you eat and drink. 

So why is it that these so called friends and family members feel they have a right especially when you turn 21? (technically you are classed as more responsible as you would have finished uni - time to grow up and get a job lol) 

Goodness I wish I knew why people butt in and give their opinions and have you noticed theirs are always correct and there is no other way. 

Anyway I decided I needed a rant outlet as Facebook isnt as "secure" from prying eyes and so here is my first post as a blogger. I hope it makes some sort of sense.

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